Subjects covered by the tasks
Cross-disciplinary activities

Level of sustainability
Author of the activity
English, Geography, History, ICT, Social Activities
Topic: How much do you know about your city?
This activity is planned for CODEWEEK, which is organized and supported by the European Comission in all over Europe. In this activity, we integrate several school subjects and implement it in the “social activities” lesson.
Stage 1: The class is divided into two groups. One group of students make research about the history of their cities and another group about its geography.
Stage 2: These groups make presentations to their friends.
Stage 3: They prepare bulletin board at school so that everybody at school can see their research.
Stage 3: Using the information in the students’ presentations, the teacher prepares an English quiz with Kahoot: “How much do you know about your city?”
Kahoot quiz an interactive and enjoyable way of instant evaluation.
The teacher can implements this to all level students at school as well as teachers. In the next stages, students can create their own Kahoot for their friends in other lessons as well.
Care for me & you
Subjects covered by the tasks
Cross-disciplinary activities

Level of sustainability
Author of the activity
English, Cooking, Health education
Topic: Intercultural topics
Objectives: learning international food names, learnig how they are prepapred and their effects to our health
Materials: textbook, realia, vegetables, cheese
Stage 1: Engagement
What is your favorite food?
What is a traditional food? Give some examples
What is an international food?
Give some examples
Is pizza an international food?
Do you think pizza is a healthy food? Why/Why not? Do you know the ingredients of pizza?
Stage 2: Explore
A short text about pizza cooking. It includes the ingredients and steps of cooking a pizza.
Stage 3: Explain
Here, the teacher and students discuss the topic in terms of health, give examples of items and their effects on our immune system, digest system, blood pressure, etc. At the end of the lesson students learn a lot of new English words, know about the effects of what we eat on health, and also how to cook pizza at home.
Care for me, Care for me & you, Care for all
Hasan Durmaz
Subjects covered by the tasks
Physical Education, English, History
Cross-disciplinary activities
Topic: Olympic games
Stage 1: Brainstorming and engagement
What is the history of olympic games and what are these games?
Which sports are done in your country?
Which sports do you do in your free time and why?
How important is doing sports for our health?
Stage 2: A text about the history of olympic games, new vocabulary, some comprehensive questions.
Stage 3: Compare and contrast the ancient olympic games and the modern ones.
Stage 4: Organize an olympic tournement at school with PE teachers with the participation of all classes.
Level of sustainability
Author of the activity
Care for me