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Subjects covered by the tasks
Cross-disciplinary activities
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Author of the activity

English, Art, Music, Maths, IT

Goal of the project: to understand connection between maths, music and art.


Step 1 ICT Tools for creative learning

- learning how to draw with GeoGebra ICT tool (teachers hold workshops for students during which students will produce drawings, elements or shapes according to mathematical rules)

- learning about 3D printing

- research on other ways of making images, using Collage Maker with geometrical shapes, e.g. Tangram, Canva

- outputs (students' drawings, images and – if possible - photos of 3D shapes)


- students study the work of painters and create presentations about Escher, Kandinsky and Vasarelly, Mondrian, Kandinski, Picasso, Knifer, Maljevič and Theo Van Doesburg

- students learning how to use Chrome Music Lab ICT tool - composing music

- games celebrating PI Day through Music, Art and language (transforming pi digits into music,

tone heights, coloring the tone, column graphs, writing pi lyrics, pi digits - memorizing contest)

- connecting tones and colors - painting with music tones


- studying connections between fractions in Math and duration of notes (time signature) in Music

- students sing or play a familiar tune changing the duration of notes

- cooperation with a music school

- playing a rhymical tones using everyday items (buckets, spoons, bowls and etc.)


- interview with an architect, research about Maths and shapes of buildings

- analyzing multiform architectural shapes in the town where students live "I’m an architect" - designing a 3D model of a building

- finding an instrument builder (online or in person), listening to music instruments of a specific shape


- students study what are fractals

-  students study the application of fractals and program fractals

- students do fractals on their own, with their family members on a paper

- students create Sierpinski models, Pithagora’s tree and do research about them.

Care for all

Subjects covered by the tasks
Cross-disciplinary activities

Geography, Maths Art and technologies, PE Career development

At the farm

Goal of the project: to develop children knowledge about farming and farm animals.

Step 1. Presentation of the project theme to students: “Farm animals”

Step 2. Team building

Step 3. Trip to the farm with the local farmer

Step 4. Educational lesson at the farm

Step 5. Working in groups with an information about specific animal that was already prepared and given to each group

Step 6. Each group are going to do research of the information, take pictures, find answers into prepared questions

Step 7. Preparation of a presentation

Step 8. Presentation demonstration

Level of sustainability
Author of the activity

Care for all

Subjects covered by the tasks
Cross-disciplinary activities

PE, Art, IT, Maths

“Small steps for a healthier living”

Goal of the project: To develop children' habits to live healthier - to strengthen students' physical health, to develop a positive attitude towards health as a value, to form values and healthy life skills.

Step 1 Talk to children about a healthy lifestyle. What are the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle? An interview with a dietologist.

Step 2 A conversation about the benefits of sports in human life. Interview with a sports person. Analysis of a Physical Activity Pyramid.

Step 3 Introduction to yoga. Meeting with yoga coach. Yoga workouts.

Step 4 A conversation about healthy food and sports. Pilates workouts.

Step 5 A conversation about healthy food and its benefits in human life

Preparation of a healthy breakfast. Analysis of a healthy eating pyramid

Step 6 project work "My healthy breakfast" – preparation of a healthy smoothie.

Level of sustainability
Author of the activity

Care for me

Subjects covered by the tasks

Art, Maths, Financial literacy and Entrepreneurship, Languages

Cross-disciplinary activities
Level of sustainability
Author of the project

This is my business!

Goal of the project: to develop entrepreneurship and creativity skills

Step 1 Local businessman

Students are going to analyse local market, do personal research about local businesses, present their view and research results. Also, students are going to analyse what kind of character a business people must have, what kind of competences are compulsory for a businessman.

Step 2 Innovative ideas

Students are going to generate business ideas, analyse market, do questionnaire about local people needs. Students are going to analyse what is an innovation, create innovations and adapt them during the creative workshops, create innovative products’ design.

Step 3 Design and prototype

Students are going to create an innovative product prototype design, present its functions and features.

Step 4 Market analysis

Students are going to get more familiar to their local market goods and services, create/analyse questionnaires for consumers, do the needs analysis for their business idea.

Step 5 Present business ideas

Students sell their prototypes, business ideas at the final event.

Care for me & you

Subjects covered by the tasks
Cross-disciplinary activities

Art, Geography, Maths, Financial literacy and Entrepreneurship, Languages

Learn to Earn: My Hobby is my Business

Goal of the project: to develop personal knowledge about recycling, turn hobby into a business.

Step 1 Watch the movie about recycling and pollution

Step 2 Create a magazine and write articles about environmental protection

Step 3 Create and complete a Kahoot questionnaire about recycling

Step 4 Analyse local environmental problem protection, visit Recycling center

Step 5 Do your homework: check what you would like to recycle at home

Step 6 Make an eco friendly bags, furniture, tables, 3D pictures with recycled materials

Step 7 Create a packaging for a created product

Step 8 Create an advertising company for your products

Step 9 Sell items online

Step 10 Calculate a profit, present feedback about the success during the project implementation at the final project presentation event.

Level of sustainability
Author of the activity

Care for me, Care for me & you

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