Subjects covered by the tasks
Cross-disciplinary activities

Level of sustainability
Author of the activity
Sciences, natural science, Portuguese, English
Eco-friendly school
In this project, students will learn about the sea and its potential, they should increase their knowledge of the school population regarding the issues of the Sea and the pollution
*Develop “environmental awareness”, intervening in the themes:
The problem of plastics in the marine context.
reduction of electricity consumption;
aeration of the classroom;
cleaning inside and outside the classroom;
warn of compliance with the rules of hygiene and social distance.
Integration into the curriculum
These topics are oriented to 11th grade (14/15 years old) and they serve the portuguese curricula: https://www.dge.mec.pt/curso-de-ciencias-e-tecnologias-0
know how to explain that pollution must be avoided;
use the most efficient energy saving methods and choose the most appropriate ones and explain their choice to prevent pollution;
to group natural resources and describe their conservation, reuse and recycling options, using information sources and observations;
observe changes in nature, formulates causal relationships, including experimental data, do conclusions about the research question;
explain the impact of rational use of natural resources (wind energy, water resources, wood) on the environment, human living conditions, gathering information from various sources.
Care for all
Anabela Amaral