Cross-disciplinary activities for sustainable life
About the project
The main motivation for the project is connected with our wish to make the learning process in our schools more practical and close to real life.
In international partnership, we collect and develop cross-disciplinary tasks for sustainable life which we can use with our students for helping them see the application of their knowledge received at school and feel responsibility for the planet.
The project partners are Narva Kesklinna Gümnaasium (Estonia), Escola Secundária Dr. Joaquim Gomes Ferreira Alves, Valadares, Vila Nova de Gaia (Portugal), Pales pamatskola (Latvia), Panevezio Saltinio progimnazija (Lithuania), Tarsus Borsa Istanbul Sehit Umut Sami Sensoy Anadolu Lises (Turkey).

On this website, we have collected the tasks we tested in international partnership in order to help the students think about the past, present and future of our planet and people's responsibility.
We marked all the tasks as "Care for me", "Care for me and you" and "Care for all". These are three levels of the sustainability model by Cavagnaro and Curiel (2012). The model deals with the individual level and more particularly with the vision of ‘being human’ enshrined in it: human beings are not only selfish but have the capacity to care for others and for all. It is thanks to the human capacity to care not only for ourselves but also for others and for all, that we can achieve sustainability in organizations and societies.

Cavagnaro, Elena & Curiel, George. (2012). The Three Levels of Sustainability.
We hope you find the activities useful and implement them with your students!