Subjects covered by the tasks
Cross-disciplinary activities
English, ICT, natural studies
A joint celebration of International Earth Day, April 22. Exchange of positive environmental experiences. Organization of “green workshops”. Creation of a joint e-book "Positive Green Practices".
Level of sustainability
Author of the activity
Care for all
Olga Lutska
Subjects covered by the tasks
Robotics, modelling, natural studies, English, ICT
Cross-disciplinary activities
Participation of several groups of students in the creation of one common project "Green City".
Each group receives a separate task. At the end of the work, one general layout of the green city is drawn up. Students should present their models, explaining how they designed and tested robots to complete a series of planetary exploration tasks. Students compare the models and discuss with each other how well they fit the constraints and criteria for the task. They can use research documentation and portfolios to support their research and ideas.
Examples of tasks:
1. Examine forklift designs and other ways of moving objects and observe how these devices lift and move materials, how safe it is for nature, what can you think of to preserve the environment.
2. Explore the collection technologies and vehicles that currently exist to clean plastic waste from the oceans.
3. The next task is devoted to the development of a robot that will allow representatives of endangered species to safely cross a road or other dangerous area. Children explain why it is important to care for endangered species and understand the impact humans have on animal habitats.
4. The next task is related to the simulation of a robot, concerning the influence of the habitat on the survival of some species. Children can consider extreme habitats or even fictional environments if they can connect the habitat and the animal they create.
5. Creation of environmentally friendly houses on a 3D printer.
Level of sustainability
Author of the activity
Care for me & you, Care for all
Oksana Petrova oksanapetrova@hot.ee
Subjects covered by the tasks
Cross-disciplinary activities
Level of sustainability
Author of the activity
Biology, geography, English, ICT
Now on planet Earth, more than 50 percent of the population lives in cities. Cities are expanding to feed city dwellers, forests are being cut down, fields are plowed up, landfills are growing, and "aggressive" agriculture is being conducted. The main idea of ​​the “green space” is to have agriculture in the city. Residents of the city can feed themselves. Plants that can be eaten should be grown in the city space.
The first step is a green school.
1) experiment "What will grow from a seed?" The classroom has lights on for 8 hours a day and edible plants can be grown. The guys learn to prepare the land for planting, plant, care for and harvest. One of the conditions is that the containers for planting must be made of scrap material. Each school window sill is a garden bed :) interested children from grades 1-9 can be involved
3) Experience: land or hydroponics? which is more efficient?
2) Can robots take care of plants? Building a robot gardener
3) Research: what kind of air do we have around the school (lichen indication - determination of air purity by lichens) Grades 7-9 interested students
4) “Let's give to Our Cars some rest” Research: How many cars pass by our school per day, what should the cars of the future be like to keep the air clean? How can you move around the city without polluting the environment now?
5) Research: “Trash Bin” Observe what goes into the trash, how quickly does the bin fill up, how to reduce the amount of household waste?
6) Research: How is water spent? How can I reduce my water intake? Making an informational virtual leaflet
7) Creation of an information sheet in the Internet space "Economical use of paper"
8) Practical work "Making paper" from old newspapers and egg boxes
9) Research: electricity? How to save? How much energy do appliances spend in sleep mode?
10) Research: "My family's consumer behavior or what exactly can you give up?" Creating a fact sheet (virtual)
Care for me, Care for me & you, Care for all
Tatjana Sedova tatjana.sedova@gmail.com
Subjects covered by the tasks
Math, natural studies, English
Cross-disciplinary activities
The idea is to show the project participants the practical application of mathematics in matters of ecology and the environment.
Development of mathematical problems by project topics
(for example: death of animals, deforestation, water pollution, air pollution, radioactive pollution, soil poisoning, accumulation of garbage) of different difficulty levels
Level of sustainability
Author of the activity
Care for all
Olga Sitkina sitkinaolga@gmail.com
Subjects covered by the tasks
Arts, music, physical training, English, handicrafts
Cross-disciplinary activities
Project A:
Creation of the international camp GREEN SPACE "ECO-design".
Stage 1: teaching the composition and principles of building a costume from non-traditional materials. Installation on ecological materials. Exercises in various modeling techniques.
Stage 2: visiting places of "clean ecology" for inspiration from various landscapes and climatic zones.
Stage 3: a festival of collections inspired by different climatic zones and landscapes. Development of images, the basics of cutting and creating clothes, decoration.
Stage 4: staged rehearsals of the final show, preparation for photo shoots. The art of creating an image and style.
Stage 5: final show. Stage show of collections. Creation of video and photo reports of all teams participating in the festival.
Project B:
Creation of the youthful international virtual museum of GREEN SPACE "ECO-world"
Stage 1: training on the topic of conceptual art, discussion of environmental problems in groups, study of the impact of landscape and visual image on the psychology and worldview of the viewer.
Stage 2: visiting photo plein air to different nature reserves.
Stage 3: competitive selection of material for a photo exhibition, preparation for printing.
Stage 4: organization of the exhibition, printing and publication of the results of the work on the Internet.
Stage 5: release of the GREEN SPACE calendar "ECO-world"
Stage 6: website development for the international virtual museum of GREEN SPACE "ECO-world"
Project C:
Summer Architecture Academy "GREEN SPACE".
Stage 1: training in design and prototyping.
Stage 2: acquaintance with architectural monuments. Guided tours of architectural masterpieces.
Stage 3: study of pre-design conditions and design assignment for the development of an architectural structure "GREEN SPACE".
Stage 4: design and layout based on competitive clauses.
Stage 5: presentation and defense of projects at an off-site exhibition.
Stage 6: summing up the results, issuing diplomas to the participants of the summer academy.
Level of sustainability
Author of the activity
Care for me, Care for me & you, Care for all
Tatjana Sonina soninatatjana@gmail.com