Subjects covered by the tasks
History, sport, social study
Cross-disciplinary activities
Keep moving!
Cross disciplinary activities for sustainable life.
Lesson for grade 7:
When we learn about the ancient world, we also get knowledge about the time, when the ancient Olympic games started.
Sport is always very important for our life, for our health. Sports and especially outdoor activities help everybody.
A lesson in history, when we talk about the first antique Olympic games, we look at the first Olympic kinds of sports. (history)
After the lesson- we chose one kind of sport from the ancient Olympic games and make our story about history till nowadays. (history, sports history)
We make all together our outdoor activity- to be sporty, to be healthy (social sciences, sport).
Next some of our activities for the project- Keep moving:
Make a collage about one or some kind of sport (favourite).
Make a presentation about sports history, development from ancient times till present days.
Outdoor activities single or all class together (For us this time- snow day- day free from lessons, a day for activities in the snow)
Level of sustainability
Care for me
Cross-disciplinary activities
A Step in the Future!
In this Learning Scenario, students will learn about renewable and non-renewable resources. They have to think about future life, how to save resources and how to manage everyday life to save and protect nature.
Level of sustainability
Author of the activity
Care for all
Ilze Šmate
Subjects covered by the tasks
Home economics, native language, maths
Cross-disciplinary activities
Activity - Food preparation (salad, sandwiches, desserts), using self-grown or bought greens and vegetables
Resources - Self-grown or bought greens, vegetables, fruit - everything for preparing healthy food.
Result - Students prepare healthy food, and write down the recipe, using abbreviations of the measurements and course of preparation. Notes - Recipes and pictures of the cooked food can be put in a padlet. You can organise a competition for the most beautiful design.
Level of sustainability
Author of the activity
Care for me
Olita Bārbale